You will never find yourself successful at changing the
behavior of others, so let’s – for a moment – entertain the idea of changing
our own behaviors? Join me!
While out for a jog this morning, I saw a man walking his
two dogs on leash. It appeared to be a nice, pleasing and easy stroll until a
nearby household opened the front door and out charged a young male shepherd
mix. I watched, for a moment, from a distance. Dude, I hope that household has a solid recall, I thought. Nope. Even if she DID, wouldn’t this be a really hard one?
Note: If you can’t call your dog off of other dogs, don’t
shame yourself, just set a new goal and work towards it! Training your dog to a higher level of reliability can
be fun! Forward motion!
As I make my way towards the situation to assess and/or dive in to help out, I see
the man with his two dogs come to a stop. While the dogs initially begin a pleasant and
appropriate exchange, the man pulls up on his leashes and begins pulling the
dogs backwards, towards him. Yikes. Restraint! It is awkward. Instantly, his own human behavior creates a greater
stress for his dogs -- where there was very little before. The dogs begin moving
against the owners pull (a natural opposition reflex) and a circular motion by
all dogs begins. Leashes begin tangling. I shout out, “Sir, you’ll want to keep
walking” as I approach closer, I have to repeat myself in a normal voice: “Sir,
you’ll need to go ahead and keep walking”. “I
am” he replies (he has no idea that he is, in fact, standing in place). “Sir,
I can help you, but I need for you to keep your body moving in a forward
motion. KEEP WALKING." The man continues to keep his feet planted in the same
spot. Posturing begins. Note: this man
offers the behavior of your typical dog owner. There is nothing wrong with what
he has done, but you must see by now that he is not doing anything to promote a
safe situation for his dogs. Do you see him inadvertently making the situation worse without a strategy? He is set in his own ways. His strong default behavior prevents him from hearing the canine professional telling him exactly
what to do.Many times in life, not just dog training, we need to identify our weakness and just move forward. We get to do that today. Together.
1. Keep
moving! A forward motion actually gives your dog something constructive to
do and without you realizing it, it likely changes your dog’s body posture to
one that is more socially accepted by the oncoming canine. Your eyes, hips and
shoulders should be pointed in the direction that you are moving (thus, in the
direction in which you want your dog to move)…this “body language” speaks loud
and clear to your dog “come with me”. Note:
Your initial movement should be to move away from, not towards (so this may
require a 90 or 180 degree turn before you find your forward motion). Once you
find that forward motion, however, do not deviate, regardless of where the
other dog positions himself. Walk with purpose!
2. Do not
stop your body. A pause in your motion only introduces a greater ambiguity
to the situation. Tell your dog WHAT you want by merely moving forward with
your body. Move away from the situation. Don’t stop.
3. Ignore
the other dog. Do your best to focus on your own movements (forward) and
allow the off-leash dog owner to handle her own dog. We all know it’s REALLY hard
to reach in and grab circular moving dogs tangled in leashes. AND it only
creates a greater duration of frustration for all. Your forward motion will
also serve to get all the dogs moving in a linear path making it easier for the
other handler to gain control.
4. Refrain
from tugging or pulling your dog towards you. A tight leash should only
occur because you are moving forward and your dog is looking behind. When you
do otherwise, you are making (yes…MAKING) your dog offer a posture that he/she would
not have naturally offered. You have now created a bigger problem.
5. Remain
calm. BECAUSE YOU HAVE A PLAN NOW! Remaining calm and confident will only
serve to create the same demeanor in your dog(s). This means that you should
not be shouting out verbal commands to your dogs or to the other dog. This
means that you should not be shouting at all. In fact doing so will only serve
to increase arousal in all of the dogs i.e. you maximize potential for a dog
fight when you insert your voice. Why? Because it is a stressed voice.
Silently, communicate to your dog by your own forward motion. Oh…and once this
situation is over, please, please don’t stand around yelling at the other
person. Get out of there, move FORWARD! Your dogs do not need any more stress
or arousal.
KB: In a slow, calm, low-toned voice I hear myself say “Sir,
you MUST WALK FORWARD or drop your leashes. You are about to create a fight. I
need you to hear me and MOVE FORWARD DOWN THAT SIDEWALK”. Walk way and provide your dog with the confidence in knowing that you will lead! |
Rehearse it. Picture it. Visualize yourself offering this
behavior to your dog before the incident occurs. Know your strategy and I
promise you WILL minimize the potential for greater conflict.
If you find your eyes right HERE…I congratulate you for
reading this and adding to your own dog training toolbox. Responsible Dog
Ownership at its finest!
Paws up! ~ Kimberly
Kimberly Burgan, CPDT-KA and Author of “Poppy and Puppy Are
Friends: A Child’s Introduction to Responsible Dog Ownership”
| Dog Training in Austin, Texas